
I'm Akiko Mega.

Afterimage 14: Aloha

Published almost 2 years ago • 1 min read

no 14

Aloha. Have you accidentally looked into the sun or bright light, and then looked away, the image burned into your eyelids? That’s an afterimage.

This week, I’m writing you from the northern shore of Kauai, where time seems to flow fast and slow. Slow when I’m really in the moment, falling deep into the majesty of the mountains, savoring the lush vegetation and the million shades of green, or when I let the warm waves cradle me. Fast when I realize I have two more days on the island to savor time with my extended family.

Here's what I saw, heard, or sensed that has stayed with me this past week. Let’s begin.

What I Saw: Less is More

I haven’t posted regularly on Instagram in close to a year. I don’t have a lot of great photos (or epic, even) on my camera roll. I used to pride myself on these things, but something’s changed.

I used to be most comfortable observing the life unfolding around me. It's easy in Tokyo, Kyoto, and Bali, places offering so much beauty. I've moved to be and hold the beauty life’s given me.

Overheard: “I’m so impressed.”

I had my favorite island breakfast this morning: half a fleshy, dark orange papaya with a dash of lemon, coconut yogurt where the seeds were, topped off with passionfruit. (No photo because I was too excited about the flavors in front of me.)

I offered my parents the other half. Over papaya, I shared stories from Bali, details of my life over the past two years in snow country, recent thoughts on raising their teen granddaughter, and what I wanted for her. It felt like a summer morning from years ago, sharing what happened at camp, during the school year in university, or coming home as a young married person. It was our usual catching up. I was catching them up with my life-in-between-visits, which eventually became my life.

I overheard them later after I left the kitchen.

“I’m so impressed.”

“So am I.”

After a moment of joy, I thought to myself: this is what’s wrong with this family: we never tell each other what matters.

I felt a tap on my shoulder when I returned to the kitchen for coffee. I turned around to hear my mom say,

“I respect you. So much.”

An action for you this week: Tell someone who matters to you they matter. Let me know what happens for them. And for you.

I'm Akiko Mega.

Listen with your whole body. Curious about what it tells us, how we can use it to make meaning, and cultivate Relational Intelligence.

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