
I'm Akiko Mega.

Afterimage 25: Full On, Mercury Retrograde

Published over 1 year ago • 2 min read

no 25

Have you accidentally looked into the sun or bright light and then looked away, and the image burned into your eyelids? That’s an afterimage.

Last week, I shared how linguistic fluency doesn’t guarantee cultural fluency and how language and culture aren’t to be understood but worn. Here's what I saw, heard, or sensed that’s stayed with me in the past week. Let’s begin.

Message from My Body: Full On

Workload can be gauged in many ways. The most common is how much white space you see on a calendar. How messy or how many empty coffee-stained cups take up space on a desk might be for some.

I gauge my workload in my body. It’s a physical sense. There’s a certain cadence to meetings and the space in between each. It combines how many meetings are over a certain period and a stress or caffeine factor. Mainly, I can identify how stressed I am.

I think it might look like this:

Looking at my felt sense of work in this way has helped me to create more spaciousness. I've been cutting back on caffeine and taking more time for self-care between meetings and coaching sessions. I look at how much time I allow for everything. Maybe I didn't need a formula to know this, but it was one way of breaking it down.

Message from Heavenly Bodies: Mercury Retrograde and Slowing Down

I don’t believe in astrology. Well, at least not religiously. I’m selective. I believe the good bits I read about the upcoming month. As for the forboding parts, I think of astrology as a mental model.

It’s Mercury Retrograde until early October. Mercury is the Roman god of speed and messages, travel/ers, commerce, and trade. So when Retrograde happens, dealings in these areas are said to slow down or go a bit wonky. People from your past (including exes) reappear, and it’s considered a time to research electronics and devices, but not buy them.

Instead of taking Retrograde literally, I consider it a much-needed permission slip to step back from the go motion that work demands and step into slow motion. I allow myself to pause, reflect, and consider past learnings before I set off into forward motion. I offer myself room to breathe and observe. Retrograde occurs a few times a year, and the heavens (and astrologers) provide an excellent opportunity to slow down. I find myself checking in with the Quad Check from the Hoffman Institute.

Checking in over some time with your Body, Mind, Heart, and Essence and writing it down is a self-portrait in motion.

While this wasn't a message from my own Body, I figured I could consider celestial bodies the same as my own, especially if Neil Degrasse Tyson says,

“So you’re made of detritus [from exploded stars]. Get over it. Or better yet, celebrate it. After all, what nobler thought can one cherish than that the universe lives within us all?”

Question for You: There’s some wisdom in everything that’s made fun of. Do you have some guilty pleasure that gives you some insight?! Share it with me; I'd love to hear from you.

I'm Akiko Mega.

Listen with your whole body. Curious about what it tells us, how we can use it to make meaning, and cultivate Relational Intelligence.

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