
I'm Akiko Mega.

Afterimage 43: I Attract What I Need

Published about 1 year ago • 3 min read

no 43

Have you accidentally looked into the sun or bright light and then looked away, the image burned into your eyelids? That’s an afterimage.

Here's what I saw, heard, or sensed that’s stayed with me in the past week. Let’s begin.

What I heard: I Attract What I Need

We attract what we need.

One of the things I appreciate about social media is conversations revived with a simple like and resume as if no time’s passed at all. I hadn’t been in touch with Kelly since she completed her coach training four or so years ago.

A yoga teacher, wellness coach, and a former student of mine, she remembered the music from my lessons on the somatic awareness and movement. “Hey, can you share the playlist from the course with me?”

I wasn’t sure whether I still had it. I told her I’d look for it-- and if I couldn’t find it, I'd either jog my memory or share anything that jumped out at me this week.

I remembered a few tracks and suggested she check out some playlists for Five Rhythms dance.


It’s been a busy week and my body hasn’t kept up with everything my mind wants to get done. My mind races forward and my body lags behind like a little kid straggling behind the big kids. It was yelling “Heyyyy! Wait for meeeeeeee!!!!”: a clear signal to pour some energy into my body.

Instead of giving myself a dose of caffiene or sugar, I decided to move. I got on the yoga mat and stretched. It wasn’t enough, but I went back to writing.

Then, a track came on and it pulled me out of my chair. I got up.

I let my body ease into the beat. I started doing taichi swings to the beat: twisting my body and letting my hands flap and slap my back around the kidneys. Crescendo.

Tum pam tum tum pam

Tum pam tum tum pam

Oooooh, this works well with the body swings! Let’s stay with this and see where it brings us!

Something was intoxicating about this song. My body liked the way it moved me. But it wasn’t just about the beat. There was something else. Open your eyes, see the sun... that's all my basic Spanish could pick up. So I looked up the lyrics.


Es que hay que estar atento

requiere de toda tu energía

Si es que querés salir

de ese enjambre mental

que te atrapa

no te deja ver la luz

Nubes grises

que salen de mi alma

se visten con tu cuerpo

y danzan conmigo

Nubes grises

que salen de tu alma

se visten con mi cuerpo

y danzan con mi ombligo

Abre tus ojos y ves el sol

Abre tus ojos y ves el sol

Abre tus ojos y ves el sol

Es que hay que estar atento

requiere de toda tu energía

si es que querés salir

de ese enjambre mental

que te atrapa

no te deja ver la luz.

You need to be aware

it requires all of your energy

If you want to leave

that mental swarm

that traps you

that doesn't let you see the light

You need to be aware

it requires all of your energy

If you want to leave

that mental swarm

that traps you

that doesn't let you see the light

The grey clouds

that come out of my soul

dress up with your body

and dance with me

The grey clouds

that come out of your soul

dress up with my body

and dance with my belly button

Open your eyes and see the sun

Open your eyes and see the sun

Open your eyes and see the sun

Open your eyes and see the sun

Open your eyes and see the sun

Open your eyes and see the sun

You need to be aware

it requires all of your energy

If you want to leave

that mental swarm

that traps you

that doesn't let you see the light

How’s that for attracting what I need?


Sometime during my maternity leave, I helped a friend sell jewelry she made at a yoga festival. I wandered the festival while my friend was at the booth. We swapped, and I took over the booth when she had a class to teach.

A soft-spoken woman with wavy red hair came to the booth. I asked if she was looking for anything in particular. Smiling, she said no, and continued admiring the jewelry.

I noticed something. Every earring, necklace, or bracelet she touched or tried had one thing in common: rose quartz, green tourmaline, or green citrine. She didn't touch anything else.

“It’s so interesting. Do you know about these pink and green stones have in common?”

I told her everything she touched belonged to the fourth chakra. They were stones that were said to activate the heart center.

She started crying.

Then laughing said, “I thought it was weird. I don’t even like pink! I get it!”

She was healing after a big breakup and getting over deep heartbreak.

In yoga, it’s said we’re called to certain mantras. We’re drawn to specific stones. When we're still, and our channel is clear, we can hear the universe whispering.

Tune in and get into frequency. Like those old dials on the car radio. If you clear out all the noise, what do you hear?

I'm Akiko Mega.

Listen with your whole body. Curious about what it tells us, how we can use it to make meaning, and cultivate Relational Intelligence.

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